I'm completely new to the concept of decorating a nursery. Who is it really for, anyway? the kid isn't ever going to remember that you got him the cute crib set with the dinosaurs or race cars on it. He's very likely to poop, puke, and pee all over what you get him anyway. I can only conclude that nursery decorating is for the parents. By the time the kid's old enough to recongize what the hell we've done to his room, the crib will be just a memory and his big-boy bedding will be in place.
So why is it so damn hard to pick a damn crib set?? why? And more to the point, why do I even care? why do I need a set??? I bet you I didn't have a cutesey crib set, complete with matching bumpers when I was a baby. And why would I even need a matching throw pillow? isn't that a suffocation hazard?
Another mystery to me. 1st birthday parties. Who's that really for? honestly. I mean does anyone remember their first birthday? no. did you have fun? probably. Would you care if you didn't get one? most likely not. It's not like the kid will remember it, and so you show him pictures of himself smothered in cake, you think he's gonna be all nostalgic, and all like "gee, you sure are the best parents ever"? No. Let's get a grip here. It's a fricking baby. A drooling, pooping, crying creature that doesn't give a crap what you put in his crib, and doesn't understand why all those people are staring at him wearing cake on his face!
My earliest memory is from about 3 years old and it's a crappy memory at that.
So after much debate with Brian over what to register for with regard to foofy crib sets, I'm taking a new approach. Get whatever you want and I will pick a wall colour that will work with it and any future soft furnishings we decide to buy. It shouldn't be this hard. In my mind, the important part comes when he's old enough to recognize and express preferences for himself.
And don't say I didn't warn you about this: If anyone buys my kid Winnie the Pooh ANYTHING, I will smile politely, thank you for it (and mean it), but it will be re-gifted to the next unfortunate and unspecting person I know who's gonna have a kid.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
aww mandie. just bought you the pooh bear set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mel xxxx
Hehe! Maybe it'll fit Daz??
You mean I gotta return all those Pooh outfits? They were sooooooooo cute!
First birthday parties are for the adults, really. And so is the nursery decor. Unless the kiddo has older brothers/sisters. I remember one of the bedrooms being made up really nice for my youngest sister when she was born. That was fantastic fun for the older kids, too. We got to help paint and put up wallpaper.
I think painting may be a no-no for the mom-to-be, so if you want some painting help, I would love to help paint a nursery! (Just please don't ask for any advice on colours! I have no talent there.)
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