Today we signed the papers on our new house!!! Everything went very smoothly, thanks to Barbie.
After work Barbie and Scott came over to help us run a couple of loads of small stuff over to the new house. We borrowed Mike's truck and packed it up with all the things we don't want the movers to move (pretty much everything but the furniture). Barbie and I filled up my car with clothes from the closet. It's not like I'm going to need them any time soon anyway, given my current shape. Brian and Scott loaded up the truck with all the boxes and small furniture, etc.
When we got to the new house the old owner was visiting with a neighbour so we got to meet her. She is really nice. We met our neighbours on either side, and the one directly across the street and one across the street one house further down. It was like they rolled out the welcome wagon. All of our neighbours were super friendly and very sincere about welcoming us to the neighbourhood. I was very happy to meet the woman who owned our house previously because I had wanted to tell her how much I liked the colours she chose. It's always nice to hear that people like your taste.
When I went into the house, I discovered that Barbie had put a little care package in the kitchen, consisting of the necessities, like TP/Paper towels, paper plates, dish/hand soap, a sponge, and a cooler stocked with beer, water, gatorade, and snacks!! All the stuff you need, but never remember to bring. She also put a plant and some lucky bamboo in the house for a little splash of colour! That was the sweetest thing ever!
Barbie, Scott, Brian and I made short work of the first load and headed back to the old house for round 2. When we got back to the new house we ordered chinese food to be delivered and I set about unpacking my kitchen. I have all the kitchen boxes unpacked already! That's the most fun part about moving. Deciding where to put everything in the new house. Unpacking the kitchen is my favourite part! Stacy had left the house spotless, too.
When the food arrived we made a makeshift table out of the two TV tables and 4 folding chairs and set it up in the breakfast area. I found a candle in one of the boxes and we lit it for a little ambience.
In one day we have gotten so much done with the help of our friends. I would like to say a big thank you to Barbie and Scott for all of their help today, and also to Mike and Tara for loaning us their truck. We have the most amazing friends.
In other news, I guess I've been a little stressed lately. Friday night I became dizzy and saturday I spent the whole day feeling drunk. Obviously I wasn't. Mum thinks I was suffering from high blood pressure. Mine is usually low, so I imagine high blood pressure for me wouldn't be much above normal for most, but I certainly felt weird on Satuday. I tend to handle stress outwardly very well and usually appear together and calm. Inside, though I guess I am stressing quite a bit. Juggling a full time job, moving, and creating a life must have just caught up with me.
On Sunday I felt quite a bit better and today even more so. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment and a screening for gestational diabetes.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
1 comment:
Congrats on the new home your guys!!! We miss you :(
Jenn & Ethan
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