Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm shocked!

Gina??? Really, America??? really?

I voted for Melinda yesterday. I thought it was time I stopped bitching about the results and actually participated in them. Sadly, my vote didn't matter. Sanjaya looked like he wanted to sell the audience a used car last night, his performance was like open mic night at a local mental hospital. Yet somehow he was still NOT in the bottom 3.

I find myself no longer surprised by this. Sickened, but not surprised.

I'm disappointed in all the people that are voting for Sanjaya because the idiot Howard Stern said so. You people are pathetic sheep with no original thoughts. Baaaaaaaa!

I'm now suspicious that the producers of American Idol are the ones behind the "vote for the worst" web site. Afterall, it is reality TV and having a crappy and outclassed contestant consistently beat out his peers week after week does make for controversy, and thus, good reality tv.

And for all my complaining, I still watch it! Now I find myself watching partly in the hope that America will do the right thing, and partly because I'm so curious to see what this freak is gonna look like, and what pathetic excuse for singing he'll come up with each week.

What is wrong with me??? I'm just as bad as the Sanjaya-lovers.

Shame on me.

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