Over the past couple of weeks, my patience has been tested to its outermost limits. There's an ambiguous condition referred to as Colic -- unexplained bouts of crying that seem to last forever and render the baby inconsolable -- this "condition" affects one in 5 babies. I guess I can't live a charmed life forever. Trent is the one in five, it seems. During the day he has mild bouts of crying but is usually consolable, but around 4pm and usually until around 8pm, he just can't be pacified. I've researched all over the Web for information on how to cope with a colicky baby. Many experts recommend that you eliminate any possible physical reasons for the baby to cry, then put him down in his crib and just let him cry. Sounds reasonable, right? but it's harder than you think! Your instinct is to try to fix the problem when your little one is crying. To employ this method goes against all of my motherly instincts. Oh stop gasping! yes, I have motherly instincts as evidenced by my extremely spoiled, yet extremely obedient cats.
Anyway, after discussing Trent's symptoms with the doctor, she prescribed an antispasmodic drug called Levsin. Bri and I were hesitant to fill the prescription because Trent's already on one prescription for acid reflux and we just don't want our kid full of chemicals, so we've been trying other methods -- gripe water, mylicon, swaddling, the swing, cuddling, etc. None of these things seemed to work. Eventually the crying would stop, but not until he'd tired himself out. Finally, Sunday evening, we came to the conclusion that our discomfort with so many prescriptions was not worth sacrificing Trent's comfort and our own sanity.
Yesterday I filled the prescription, administered it with his next feeding, and amazingly, he seemed to cry less. In fact, he barely cried at all yesterday. And when he did, it was for obvious reasons, such as dirty nappy, hungry, tired, wants cuddling. There seemed to be less crying after feedings, too and he didn't pull his legs up and scream like he has in the past. It's very early to tell if this is the medication working or just a nice coincidence, but the signs are encouraging.
The good news is that colic seems to resolve at around 3 months of age, so we only have 2 more months of this (ACK!!!)
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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