This weekend we took Trent to Houston to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. This was his first road trip. We set off around 11am, right after we fed and calmed Trent down. He was a complete angel most of the way there, only crying for about 2 minutes 15 minutes away from our destination.
Grandma and Grandpa were very happy to see us, and especially Trent. Grandpa had spent many hours cleaning up Brian's old crib so that Trent would have a place to sleep at their house and it looked awesome. He'd also been to Babies R Us and picked up a few toys for Trent, as well as a hairbrush. The hairbrush amused me to no end because Grandpa kept trying to get Trent's spikes to lay down, which seemed to be an exercise in futility - though he did give him an awesome comb-over!
While we were in Houston, Grandma and Grandpa spent time with Trent while Brian and I went out for a lovely Italian dinner, complete with wine (which I've missed so much) and my favourite Italian dessert, Tiramisu. mmmmmm!
On Sunday, Brian and I got to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I'd been dying to see, while Grandma and Grandpa watched Trent again. He was such a good baby all weekend. Very minimal amounts of crying, it seems that his medication is really helping him to feel better.
On the way home, he fussed about half way home, so I sat in the back seat with him and fed him a bottle while Brian drove, which seemed to be very successful.
All in all, we were very proud of Trent's behaviour on the trip and couldn't have asked for a better first road trip with him.
A big thank you to the Grandparents for giving us a few hours of freedom!
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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