I've thrown my back out! :-(
It was stupid. I was wrestling Trent's car seat into the car and I kind of felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I just ignored it, which was STUPID, and when I got home I did a work out on the trampoline, which is completely idiotic when you just hurt your back, but you know how when you get whiplash you don't feel it until the next day? well I didn't really feel bad and my work out was fine... but about 5 hours later I could barely move, and then the next day (Thursday) I could barely walk!
Imagine having to take care of a baby when you can't walk and you can't pick him up because it causes you to almost pass out with pain! Thankfully, I have some good meds left over from my surgery.
I've been putting a heat pack on it, sitting in my massaging chair, and taking it easy for the last 2 days. Brian has taken time off from work to help me out with Trent, which is fortunate because if he weren't able to, the kid would likely starve.
Today (Friday) it feels marginally better, but I still can't get around too well. Hopefully it will get better by tomorrow so I can enjoy my evening down town.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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