Tuesday, August 04, 2009

following through

Last night Trent learned the lesson that follow through is good for some things, like your golf swing, or your promises, but not good when farting!

Here's how that lesson went:
We were in the bathtub. Trent's recently been quite adamant that he wasn't taking a bath, and I'd resorted to bathing him in the kiddie pool in the back yard, redneck style. But we can't do this in the winter, so I needed to take steps to correct the problem.
I bought him some tub crayons. The kind that float and that you can draw on the tile and tub and it washes right off with water. He loves them, and this does get him into the tub now, but of course, he won't sit down, so I have to sit on the edge of the tub with my feet in the water, and wash him that way.
Anyway, we're drawing on the walls and Trent farted. Then he cracked up. Then I said "got anymore?" and he pushed one out and let out a HUGE belly laugh. We both fell about laughing. Then he kept doing it. Having just learned to fart on demand he wanted to test out his new found skill to the max.
One after another after another, and we laughed so hard. Then I saw his face turn red as he pushed another one out. And I asked "are you pooping??" to which he replied "no". Then all of a sudden we both hear this "SLOOSH!" and Trent goes "Uh oh. Poop". At which point we evacuated the tub.
Later that night when I was putting Trent to bed, he reminded me of the lesson he learned by warning me "Don't poop in the tub, mummy".

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That is GREAT! toooooooo funny. :)