It's been a very creative weekend so far. On Friday evening I went to the cannibal party at the Austin Rugby club. It was so much fun and I met so many really nice people. One actually worked at IBM and knew some of the same people I know. There were many elaborate costumes and people tended to congregate around one of the two fires that were burning outside for warmth. I spent a lot of time around the fire meeting people.
On Saturday morning I headed to home depot with a pillow case in hand to pick out a paint colour for the bedroom. I chose a grey with just a suggestion of warmth in it to contrast the red. It was neutral enough to highlight our new furniture set. When I got home, Tiff stopped by to try on some jeans she was going to use for her halloween costume. Afterwards I got to work on the bedroom. It took about 4 hours of dedicated working, and it looks wonderful! so much better than the yellow, wich was overstated.
Afterwards I ate some chip butties for dinner and relaxed for a few minutes before Tiff came over in part of her halloween costume. She was Axl Rose and was pulling it of extremely well with her long hair. We looked online and found some close-up pictures of his tattoos and I drew them on for her. She looked totally authentic when we were done. While I painted my own face and got ready, Tiff made an appearance at another party, then we headed downtown.
6th street was full of people in creative costumes. The best part was when people figured out who Tiff was. Some people just approcahed us and yelled "oh my god! are you Axl Rose! that's AWESOME!" while others would nudge and whisper to their friends, "dude, check out Axl Rose". Most suprising was how many people recongized that the tattoos were accurate. We stopped in at the Ivory Cat where Jenn, Jaime, and Tammy were hanging out and stayed to listen to Jaimie sing a couple of songs under his stage name "Julio". Afterwards we went down the street to Coyote Ugly to see all the women dancing on the bar.
As we made our way back to the car we saw a guy dressed as Slash. We stopped to take a picture of him and Tiff together. Probably my favourite picture of the night.
Next we headed to a party in my old neighbourhood. Everyone was there, all the people I had been hoping to see, but thought were going to the other party were there! YAY! We finished out the night there, listening to many bad renditions of Garth Brooks songs and cracking up at everyone's costumes. I think my favourite was Mendy dressed as Corpse Bride, though Lahari came a close second as Foxy Brown.
We got home at 3am, thankfully the clocks turned back an hour so it was technically only 2am.
I got up and ran on town lake with Andi this morning. We did the Dam loop, which is 10.1 miles. As we reached the end we saw Jenny V running by herself and I felt bad because running 10 miles on town lake isn't much fun when you're by yourself. Hopefully it'll go fast.
Now I'm trying to motivate myself to go clean the house and make cookies for my honey when he gets home later tonight.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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